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Friday January 22nd 1830

Met according to adjournment.

Remonstrance of Jairus Came & al of Berwick against the right of Richard Shapleigh to hold a seat in this House, as a representative from said town, was read & referred to the committee on Elections.

On motion of Mr Clark of Hallowell,

Ordered, That the Speaker of this House issue a summons to Orlando Bagley Esqr of Waterboro' in our County of York to appear before the Committee of this House on contested Elections at such time & place in Portland as the said Committee shall direct to testify and give evidence relating to the claim of Andrew Roberts to a seat in this House as the Representative from said town of Waterboro, and to bring with him the records of said town relating to the meeting and proceedings of said town relating to the meetings and proceedings of said Town held & had on the second Monday of September last - read & passed.

On motion of Mr Swett of Prospect

Ordered, That the Door Keeper of this House be instructed to furnish a suitable railing on each side of the House for the better convenience of the members - read & passed

Petitions of Jonathan Holbrook Junr & of Jonathan Jones} praying for leave to change their names, were severally read & referred to the committee on change of names.

Petitions of John Moor & al for a grant to Anson Acadeny - - of George Read & als to be incorporated as the Read school fund Association were severally read & referred to the committee on Literature. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Solomon Thurston & als of Vinalhaven praying to be incorporated as the owners of a meeting House on North Island in said town