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Afternoon. Met according to adjournment

On motion of Mr Boutelle of Waterville, Ordered, That the letter of the Treasurer of State on the State of the Finances be committed to the committee on Finance - read & passed.

Petition of John Bodwell & als of Shapleigh for a division of said town


Memorial of John Bodwell & al, on the same subject were severally read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence

Petition of Thomas H Norcross of Jackson for an additional pension, was read & referred to the committee on applications from sick & wounded Soldiers. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Henry Ilsley of Westbrook, that his son Henry may be allowed to take the name of Henry Ilsley, was read & referred to the committee on Elections.

The House resumed the consideration of the report of the joint committee appointed to examine the returns of votes given for Governor - the question being on the motion of Mr Ruggles to amend "so as to allow and count the votes given in, in the town of Hermon for the persons for whom they were respectively given" and this question was taken by yeas & nays and decided in the negative as follow Yeas 70, Nays 74 (see appendix page 265). Mr Smith of Nobleboro then moved to amend 'by inserting in the report, the votes from the town of Baileyville according to the returns of the same" but before the question was taken the House



James L Child
