returned as scattering" but before this question was taken the House,
Adjourned until afternoon.
Afternoon - Met according to adjournment.
Ordered That the standing rule of the House which provides that "no petition of a private nature shall be received after the expiration of twenty days from the commencement of the session, unless by order of the House" be suspended until the further order of the House - read & passed.
Petition of William D Williamson & als inhabitants of the County of Penobscot in relation to the Mattanawcook Road, was read & referred to the committee on Canals, Turnpike Roads & Bridges. Sent up for concurrence.
The House resumed the consideration of the report of the joint committee appointed to examine the returns of votes given for Governor, the question before the House at its last adjournment being on the motion of Mr Smith of Nobleboro to amend "by adding to the whole number of votes returned seventeen votes, which were returned as scattering" and this question was taken by yeas & nays and decided in the negative as follows Yeas 69 Nays 73 [see appendix page 298] The House then accepted the report as amended by the Senate as per sheet annexed marked A - and this question was taken by yeas & nays and decided in the affirmative as follows Yeas 75 Nays 69 [see appendix page 303.] Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Sabra Hobbs of Waterboro praying for leave to change her name was read & referred to the committee on change of names.
Remonstrance of James Gower & al against the petition of the Selectmen of Abbot, was read & referred to the committee on