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Monday February 8th 1830

Met according to adjournment.

On motion of Mr. Shapleigh of Berwick, Ordered, That the Secretary of State be requested to lay before this House, the returns of County Treasurer's on Sheriff's fees, made to the Secretary's office in pursuance of an act passed March 5th 1829 - also the returns of Register of Deeds and Clerks of the Judicial Courts, made to the Secretary's office aforesaid in pursuance of Resolves passed March 5th 1829. - read & passed.

Ordered, on motion of Mr. Burnham of Orland, That the Senate be requested to take from their files the petition of John Gilmore and send down to this House - read & passed. Sent up.

On motion of Mr. Watts of St. George, Ordered, That no petitions of a private nature be received after the twenty second day of February instant. read & passed.

On motion of Mr. Kent of Bangor, Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the Attorney General or some other public officer to discharge persons from imprisonment who stand committed on writs or executions in favor of the State - and also the expediency of providing by law for notice on some public officer of the intention of such debtors to take the poor debtors oath - and also the expediency of authorizing the proper officers to compound with or discharge debtors to the State when the interest of the State requires it. Read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.