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Remonstrances of Nathaniel Greene & als against the petition of Robert Patten & als - of John Davis & als of Hallowell agst the petition of Rufus K Page & al were severally read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Lemuel Smith & others that certain monies paid by them to {the Land Agents may be refunded was read & referred to the committee on State Lands. Sent up for concurrence.

Agreeably to assignment the two Houses met in convention for the purpose of choosing seven Councillors and a Secretary and Treasurer of State - Messrs Ingalls, Healey, Swan of Portland, White of Monmouth & Scamman of Saco were appointed a Committee to receive sort & count the votes for seven Councillors - - on motion of Mr Clark of Hallowell it was Ordered, That the ballots for Councillors contain the names of seven persons each.

Mr Smith of Nobleboro' then moved the following preamble & order, "Whereas Nathan D Appleton, Abijah Usher Junior & John Bodwell appear in this Convention claiming to act therein, as Senators from the County of York, and whereas said Appleton, Usher & Bodwell have not been duly & constitutionally elected as such - Therefore

Ordered, That the Committee which are or may be appointed to receive, sort & count the votes given in this convention be instructed not to receive ballots from the said Appleton, Usher & Bodwell - - The Secretary of the Senate, on motion by Mr Kent of Bangor, read portions of the Journal of the Senate relating to the proceedings of Senate as regards the election &c of said Appleton, Usher & Bodwell -

The business of the Convention not being accomplished it was

 Ordered that the Convention now separate and that they meet again at three oclock this afternoon.
