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Friday next at 11 oclock be assigned for the consideration of the subject and that the Committee on Elections be instructed to report to the House, the facts in the case - read & passed.

The Committee on contested elections who instructed by the House to enquire whether any person is returned as a member of this House, who had not been for three months next proceeding the time of his elections and does not continue to be a resident in the town or district, which he represents &c reported the following Resolution viz, Resolved, That William Freeman the sitting member in this House as Representative from the district composed of Cherryfield, Steuben & Harrington, was a resident of said District for three months at least next preceeding the time of his election & continues to be a resident of said District agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution & is entitled to hold his seat. On motion, The House assigned Thursday next at ten oclock to consider the subject.

An order came from the Senate for concurrence as follows - Whereas the Convention on the 2d instant, which undertook to supply supposed deficiencies in the Senate by election, was as appears by the unanimous opinion of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial illegal and unconstitutional, and said elections wholly void - and whereas the right and duty of the Senate of judging of elections and qualifications of its members, of determining, on deficiencies and the candidates to supply them has not been fully exercised - And whereas pending an enquiry into the elections and qualifications preparatory to proceeding in the business of legislation, so great a number of the members of the Senate have absented themselves from the Senate board as to leave less than a quorum for doing business; and all suitable measures having been adopted to induce said absentees to attend the sittings of the Senate, but hitherto without success, and it not appearing probable that further exertions will be