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Wednesday February 17th 1830

Met according to adjournment

Ordered, That from and after this day, this House will hold but one session each day, commencing at nine oclock in the morning, except on Mondays & on that day at ten oclock, until otherwise ordered. read & passed.

On motion of Mr Shaw of Wiscasset,

   Ordered, That Messrs Shaw of Wiscasset, Greaton of Starks & Wheeler of Cape Elizabeth be a committee to take into consideration the subject of primary Schools, with leave to report by Bill or otherwise - read & passed

On motion of Mr Severance of Augusta,

 Ordered, That the committee on engrossed Bills be  instructed to enquire into the expediency of repealing an order of both Houses passed June 28th 1820 which was in the following words; viz "Ordered, That in future all bills be engrossed without leaving any space or vacancy, between the sections thereof, and that the title be endorsed on the back of the bill' read & passed.

An order came from the Senate for concurrence appointing Messrs Hinds, Dunlap & Hilton with such as the House may join a committee to enquire what amount has been expended upon the State House at Augusta - what progress has been made thereon, what appropriation will be necessary to continue the work - in what manner it is expedient that such appropriation shall be made, & whether the whole expense of the building will exceed the estimate heretofore made of eighty thousand dollars - and the House concurred and Messrs Severance of Augusta, Norton of Canaan, Curtiss of Brunswick, Bonney of Turner & Lord of Lebanon were joined on the part of the House. ~