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Mr Kelsey of Guildford was appointed on the Committee on State Lands, instead of Mr Chandler of Calais, who has obtained leave of absence & returned home.

Mr Kelsey of Guildford was excused from serving on the Committee on Banks & Banking & Mr Gilman of Wells appointed in his stead.

Resolve laying a Tax on the several Counties in this State, reported by the Committee on County Estimates, was read once[underlined] & tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a second reading.

Remonstrance of Roland Holden & als agst the petition of Wm Maxfield & als - of Enos Greeley & als of Palermo agst the petition of Joseph Hacker - of Thomas Smith & others agst the petition of William Larrabee & als were severally read & referred to the Committee on the Incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

An order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Committee on the Judiciary, to consider, whether any further equity powers ought to be given to the Supreme Judicial Court in cases of fraud, trust, accident and mistake, when there is not a plain, adequate & sufficient remedy by the rules of the Common law - and the House concurred

Communications were received from Semuel Paine, Phinehas Varnum, David Crowell, Daniel Steward Junior signifying respectively, their acceptance as Counsellors

Petition of Inhabitants of Thompson pond plantation taken from the last years files of the Senate, came down referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns for concurrence and the House concurred.

Agreeably to assignment the two Houses assembled in Convention in the Representatives Chamber, when Semuel Paine,