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Phinehas Varnum, David Crowell & Daniel Steward Junr came in and severally took & subscribed the oath, required by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of the duties of their office, which were administered to them by the President of the Senate. The Counsellors then withdrew. - The business of the Convention being accomplished, the Senators also withdrew. -

Petitions of William Homer & al of Bucksport on the subject of the school law - - of William Buxton & al on behalf of the town of Cumberland for relief as set forth - were severally read & referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Sent up concurrence.

Petition of David H Patterson & als taken from the last years files of the Senate came down referred to the Committee on Turnpikes, bridges & Canals for concurrence & the House concurred.

Petition of Daniel Marshall & others for a change of the name of the Vassalboro' Bank, was read & referred to the committee on engrossed Banks & Banking. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill altering the time of the fall term of the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Lincoln, reported by the committee on the Judiciary in the House, was read 1st & 2nd time & tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a third reading.

Ordered That when the House adjourns it adjourn until tomorrow morning - read & passed.


Attest James L Child Clerk