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from the consideration of the subject, on their own request, by the House, in concurrence with the Senate.

An order came from the Senate for concurrence appointing Messrs Drummond & Gardner with such as the House may join a committee to contract with some suitable person to perform the duty of drafting & copying Bills & Resolves for the members of the Legislature - and the House concurred & Messrs Shapleigh of Berwick, Trask of Jefferson & Howard of Leeds were joined

An order came from the Senate for concurrence instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to consider the expediency of so far modifying An Act to provide for the sale & distribution of Ministerial & School lands passed Febry 12th 1824, that the annual rents & profits of lands granted & reserved for the use of the ministry, and the interest accruing from monies arising from the Sale of the same, may by a vote of Towns be appropriated for the maintenance and support of schools therein - and the House concurred.

Petitions of John G Bowen & als for a new town to be formed of part of Mt Desert - - of Enoch Spurling & als for the same - - of Isaac Billings & als to set off part of Brooksville to Sedgewick - - of James Gilmore of Frankfort to be annexed to Swanville - also Remonstrances of a Committee of Brooksville agst the petition of Isaac Billings & als - of John R Redman & als against the same - were severally read & referred to the Committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petitions of Roscoe G Greene of Portland to be admitted to practise as an Attorney - - of Jacob Sherburne of Atkinson - of Hannah & Hoppers} praying for an alteration in the laws regulating divorces - - of 1st School district in Bucksport for authority to defray the expense of} ringing the Meeting House Bell, by way of a Tax &c were severally read & referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.