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Friday February 19th 1830.

Met according to adjournment.

Mr Emery of Hampden has leave of absence after this day, during the remainder of the Session.

A communication was received from Otis Little signifying his acceptance as Counsellor.

A message was received from the Senate by Mr Kavanaugh their Secretary, proposing a Convention of both houses in the House of Representatives Chamber this day at eleven o'clock, for the purpose of qualifying such Counsellors elect as may then appear and have signified their acceptance - and the House concurred and the Clerk was requested to acquaint the Senate therewith

Report on the petition of Nathaniel Hoyt & als granting an order of notice, came from the Senate accepted for concurrence - The House amended the report so as to direct the notice to be published in the Bangor Register instead of the Bangor Republican & accepted the Report as amended. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Bourne of Kennebunk, Ordered, That the committee on Literature & Literary Institutions, be directed to inquire what alterations are necessary in the law of January 27 1821 providing for the management of social, military & law libraries - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence

An order came from the Senate for concurrence appointing Messrs Phelps & Davee with such as the House may join a committee on the accounts which remain unsettled with the Governor & Council previous to January 1829 - and the accounts of balances of old appropriations unexpended January 1st 1830 communicated with the