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Reports on the petitions of David Ridley & others Adam Weed Samuel Merrill & als Selectmen of Abbot Daniel Holt & als Mark White & als John Freeze & als granting leave to withdraw - were severally read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Agreeably to assignment the two Houses assembled in convention in the Representatives Chamber at eleven o'clock when Elisha Allen, Otis Little & John Burgin; Counsellors elect, came in and before the President of the Senate & in presence of the two Houses, took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of the duties of their office - and the Councillors then withdrew -

The Convention separated, the business thereof being accomplished.

Reports on the petitions of Elisha Clark & als - Joshua Young Junr Jonathan S. Tallman & als Benjamin Cole granting orders of Notice, were severally read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Reports on the petitions of Andrew Gray & others - - John Grindle & others referring the same to the next Legislature, were severally read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Report on the petition of Joseph Whitney & others referring the same to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canal, was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.