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Petitionsof Winthrop B. Norton & als that certain lands may be annexed to the town of Oxford -

- of Ephraim K. Smart & als for a new town to be taken from Prospect - 

also Remonstrances of Henry Staples & others agst a division of the town of Prospect -

- of Charles Gordon & als agst the petition of Mark Blaisdell & als -
- of a Committee of the Town of Belfast on the same subject -

were severally read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of William C Whitney & others that the town of Oxford may be reimbursed certain taxes, was read & referred to the committee on Finance.

Resolve in favor of Edward Smith was taken up, read a second time & then on motion recommitted to the Committee on State Lands with instructions to report a statement of facts by eleven o'clock tomorrow. - Sent up for concurrence.

The House took up the consideration of the report of the Committee on Contested Elections in the case of Thomas Trask Junior and accepted the same.

On motion of Mr. Boutelle of Waterville, Ordered That the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canals be instructed to inquire as to the expediency of passing a law for the preservation of Ticonic Bridge - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion by the same, Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire as to the expediency of modifying or repealing a part of the 2nd Section of an act entitled " An act to establish a Court of Common pleas" and also as to the expediency of repealing the 2nd Section of "An act additional to an act for the settlement of certain equitable claims arising in real actions" - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Severance of Augusta, Ordered, That a message be sent to the Executive requesting