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that the report of the Commissioner of the Public buildings be transmitted to this House; or if it has not been received, such other information relating to the public buildings at Augusta, as shall be proper to be communicated. read & passed. Sent up.

On motion of Mr. Kent of Bangor, Ordered, That the Executive be requested to transmit to this House the Report of the Agent appointed to superintend the expenditure on the Mettanawcook road the last year - read & passed. Sent up.

Resolve in favor of George Sawtell, reported in this House by the committee on applications from Sick & Wounded Soldiers, was read once & tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a 2nd reading.

Report of the committee appointed to contract with some persons to draft Bills & Resolves &c came from the Senate, and the House recommitted the same to the committee who made the report.

Bill - to incorporate the Hampden Mutual Fire Insurance Company, reported with amendments which were adopted, was read a third time & passed to be engrossed as thus amended. Sent up for concurrence.

Report on the petition of William Butler & John Hanley granting leave to withdraw, was read & accepted in currence with the Senate.

The Committee on Contested Elections made a report in the case of Richard Shapleigh and the same was assigned for consideration on Thursday at ten oclock and 200 copies thereof ordered to be printed for the use of the members.

Report of the Committee of Finance on the petition of the Selectmen of Gouldsborough, referring the same to the committee to be appointed on the subject of the State Valuation, was read