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Saturday February 20th 1830

Met according to adjournment.

Message received from the Governor.

To the Senate & House of Representatives, I transmit for the consideration of the Legislature, a communication from the Adjutant General and Acting Quarter Master General of this date, relative to the distribution of the copies of the Abstract of "Infantry Tactics" and copies of the "system of exercise and instruction of field Artillery" received from the United States; and of the State colors received from Massachusetts which have since 1822 remained in the possession of the Brigadier Generals. .And also suggesting the expediency of an appropriation for the purchase of musical instruments to meet the demands made upon his department for these articles. Council Chambers Jonathan G.Hunton Febry 11th 1830 Read with the accompanying documents referred in concurrence with the Senate to the Committee on the Militia and Military Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Spaulding Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of an alteration in the first section of the law entitled an Act regulating Towns & Town Meetings & the choice of Town Officers passed March 19th 1821. So far as to allow any person twenty one years of age & upwards to vote in town & plantation affairs, whether he has been taxed for his poll or any estate in said town or plantation or not, provided he has resided therein one year next preceeding his voting and then liable to be taxed - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.