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Report on the petition of Eliphalet Perkins &al granting an order of Notice, was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Petition of Edward Russell administrator on the estate of Thomas DeCarteret for leave to sell real estate, was read & referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Samuel Winter &als & report thereon, taken from the last years files of the Senate, came down referred to the committee on the Judiciary for concurrence, and the House concurred.

Petition of Thomas T Stone & others for a law to prohibit the use of distilled spirits at Military Reviews and trainings, was read and referred to the committee on the Militia & Military affairs. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of George Downes & others for a Bank at Calais, was read & referred to the Committee on Banks & Banking. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill - to annex a part of the town of Canton to the town of Jay taken from last years files of the Senate & sent down, was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of John P Hubbard &al & report thereon, taken from last years files of the Senate & sent down, was read & referred to the committee on Interior Fisheries. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of the Selectmen of Clinton & others taken from last years files of the Senate & sent down, was referred in concurrence with the Senate to the committee on Interior Fisheries.

Petition of Pelatiah Leach &als for a law repealing certain restrictions in relation to the taking of Fish on the East side of Penobscot River, was read & referred to the committee on Interior Fisheries.