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Resolve for the benefit of Isaac Tolman & others was read a second time & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.

Bill for the preservation of Lewiston Bridge" was recommitted to the committee who reported the same, with instructions to report a general law in relation to toll Bridges, embracing the provisions of this act, in concurrence with the Senate.

The Committee on the State Prison to whom was referred the report of the committee, appointed by resolve of March 3rd 1829 to ascertain the balance due from the State to Daniel Rose Esquire & for other purposes, named in said resolve, made a report of a bill, byelaws forms & statement of accounts, and 300 copies thereof were ordered to be printed for the use of the Legislature.

Resolve authorizing the Penobscot Indians to sell two townships of Land & pine timber, was read a second time & amended, and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent up for concurrence

Resolve in favor of Nathaniel L Ingersoll, was read a second time & indefinitely postponed.

On motion of Mr Swan of Portland. Ordered that the Senate be requested to take from their files and send to this House the petition of Abner Bagley & others - read & passed. Sent up.



James L Child
