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261 at Augusta said paper not being the paper in which such notices are by law required to be published - sent up for concurrence.

Bill to establish the fees of clerks of courts and giving remedy on Clerks Bonds, came from the Senate they having amended the same and postponed it indefinitely - and the House nonconur in the proposed amendments and upon motion to recede and concur with the Senate in the indefinite postponement of the Bill the question was taken by yeas and nays and decided in the negative as follows yeas 48, nays 74 and the House adhere to their vote passing the same to be engrossed.

Mr. Clifford gave notice that tomorrow at ten o'clock in the forenoon he should move a reconsideration on the vote whereby the House refused to recede and concur with the Senate with the Senate in passing the foregoing Bill to be engrossed.

Report on an Order relating to the Law providing for a bounty on Crows, that legislation on that subject is inexpedient, was read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Bill respecting wholesale venders of Spiritous liquors was read a third time and indefinitely postponed. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill regulating Colleges was read a second time and refused a passage in concurrence with the Senate.

Resolve for aiding the town of Westbrook in repairing a road came from the Senate they refusing it a passage, and the House recede from their vote passing the same to be engrossed and refuse the same a passage in concurrence with the Senate.