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Met according to adjournment Mr Clifford of Newfield and Mr Bronson of Anson were appointed members of the Committee on Bills in the third reading.

The House reconsider their vote accepting the Report on Petition of Inhabitants of Baileyville and No 17 Washington County and refer the same to a Select Committee of this House consisting of Mess Bronson of Anson, Chadbourne of Baldwin and Dyer of Now Sharon.

Report on Petition of Inhabitants of Atikinson and Ripley - on an order regulating the pay of the Members of the Legislature - on an Order relating to pounds - on an order relating to appeals - on an Order relating to dower, - on an Order relating to security of Deputy Sheriffs; The Committee asking to be discharged from further consideration of those subjects were severally read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate

Report on an Order relating to assessment of taxes - on an Order relating to Poor Debtors, - on an Order relating to Poor Convicts, - on an Order relating to the location of Highways - on an Order relating to members who are illegally returned, - on an Order relating to Commissioners Courts in Somerset County - on an order relating to the Register of Probate in Washington County, - on Petition of County Commissioners of Kennebec County - on Petitions against extra Judicial Oaths, that legislation on those subjects is inexpedient, were severally read