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third time and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent up for concurrence.

Resolve authorizing the governor to procure the liberation of of Robert Shapleigh. " authorizing the governor to cause to be erected gun houses in Eastport and Calais, were severally read a first and second time and passed to be engrossed. sent up for concurrence.

Mr. Smith of Westbrook and Magoun of Bath were appointed members of the Committee on Engrossed Bills.

Report of the Committee on Public Buildings cam from the Senate accepted for concurrence, and the House non-concur and recommit the same to the committee on Public Buildings, sent up for concurrence.

Resolve in favor of Heard Lord was read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.

Resolve, in favor of Bowdoin Colledge, came from the Senate passed to be engrossed as taken into a new draft and the House recede from their vote indefinitely postponing the original Resolve, adopt the new draft and pass the same to be engrossed in concurrence.

Resolve in favor of Gardiner Lyceum, came from the Senate passed to be engrossed as amended, and the House adhere to their vote postponing the Resolve indefinitely. sent up for concurrence.

Bill for the preservation of the Androscoggin Bridge was read a first and second time and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading.