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14 may be adopted for the completion of this road as the interests of the State may require. The appropriation of three thousand dollars granted by the last Legislature for repairing and improving the road leading from this State through the North of the White Hills, together with the sum of two thousand dollars contributed by individuals, appears by the report of the Agent, to have been expended for that purpose except a small balance, which will be laid out in repairing the road as soon as the ensuing season will admit. The Agent appointed to complete the Mattanawcook road, found the appropriation insufficient for that purpose, owing to the injury sustained by the road and bridges from the freshets of the last spring. He therefore exceeded the appropriation by the sum of two thousand eight hundred and seventy nine dollars and forty cents, in repairing and making contracts to complete said road, which will be due to him when the same is completed, and which cannot be reimbursed without consent of the Legislature. His report, together with the report of the Council upon the subject will be laid before you. Under the Resolve of the last session, the Land Agent of this State in conjunction with the Land Agent of Massachusetts, has caused to be laid out a road from the Matawamkeag a branch of the Penobscot river in a direction northerly, to the Aroostick river. Seven miles of this road have been opened and proposals received for making thirty miles more. As the territory through which this road passes, to the river St John, must eventually, whether the award be accepted or not fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of Maine, I would suggest the importance of taking measures in concurrence with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the completion of this road. A communication to be thus opened through that extensive