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38 Petition of the Inhabitants of Plantation No 17 East Division on the County of Washington to be incorporated into a Town by the name of Princeton was read and referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns sent up for concurrence.

Petition of C Spaulding and others for an increase of the Capital Stock of the Central Bank of Alfred Johnson and others for a Bank at Belfast were severally read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking sent up for concurrence

Petition of Edward Thompson for leave to sell non resident lands - of James Rangeley that Township No 3 in the 2nd range in the County of Oxford may be taxed separately to the proprietors through -of the town of Fayette for separate Representation - of Inhabitants of Thorndike against extra judicial Oaths were severally read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary sent up for concurrence

Petition of Peaslee Morrill for alteration of Townline and to be annexed to Belgrade. - of Nicholas Rideout Jr and to have land set off from North Yarmouth and annexed to Cumberland - of Inhabitants of Pittsfield to be annexed to Canaan. - of John Quint that a part of a lot of land in the town of Porter may be annexed to Brownfield Pet