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88 in the school Law which in this House was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary came from the Senate non-concurred and referred to the Committee on Literary Institutions for concurrence and the House recede from their former vote and concur with the Senate in referring the same to the Committee on Literary Institutions - sent up

Petition of the Inhabitants of Whiting to be set off from Whiting and annexed to Machias Port came from the Senate referred to the Committee on the Division of Towns for concurrence and the House concurred

Petition of the Inhabitants of Machias Port for a reduction in their State Valuation came from the Senate referred to the committee on the Judiciary for concurrence, and the House nonconcurred and referred the same to the Committee on Finance sent up for concurrence -

Petition of Inhabitants of the town of Hancock for a Bridge a Sullivans Ferry came from the Senate referred to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals - and the House concurred.

Report of the Conferees on the part of the House appointed to meet conferees on the part of the Senate on the subject of the disagreement of the two Houses upon the Additional Resolves respecting the Northeastern Boundary recommending to the House to adhere to its former vote, was read and accepted -

Petition of Jacob Davis and others that a law may be passed to remedy the evil of administering unlawful and extra Judicial oaths - also - Petition of Thomas Wing for a repeal or amendment of the law passed March 4. 1829 entitled an additional Act to establish the Court of Common Pleas - were severally read