Saturday February 4, 1832 Met according to adjournment
An Order came from the Senate for concurrence instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of modifying or repealing an Act concerning corporations, passed on the 17th day of March 1831 and the House concurred.
An order came from the Senate for concurrence instructing the Committee on Public Buildings to inquire into the expediency of prohibiting by law the occupation or use of Public Buildings for any other than State purposes - and the House concurred.
On motion by Mr. Phelps, Ordered that the Secretary of State transmit to this House as soon as may be an exact account of the whole number of days that any Clerk or Clerks have been employed by him in the performance of the duties of his office for the years 1828, --29, --30 & 1831. And that the Clerk of this House forthwith transmit to the Secretary of State a copy of this order.
An order came from the Senate for concurrence directing that Messrs. Talbot and Sweat be a committee with such as the House may join to correct errors in the valuation of the State made last year, to whom all applications for corrections of errors shall be made and the House nonconcurred and postponed the same indefinitely, sent up for concurrence.
Report on petition of Selectmen of Bethel, referring the same to the next Legislature - on Petition of Ezekiel Whitman - the Committee asking