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laws relating to the survey and admeasurement of Bordwood, Bark and other fuel, sent up for concurrence.

Bill relative to fees in Courts of Justices of the Peace, laid on the table by Mr Lancey, was read once and referred to the Select Committee of this House, consisting of Messrs, Steele, Lancey and Roberts.

Petition of sundry inhabitants of Ripley that the Ministerial Fund in said Town may be sold and the proceeds applied to the use of Schools in said town, was read and referred to the Committee on Parishes sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Hamlin, Ordered, that the Committee on Finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of taking seventy polls, and thirteen thousand nine hundred and twenty eight dollars from the valuation of Jonesborough and set the same against the town of Jones Port.

Bill preserving the Mattanawcook State road, was was read a second time and repose motion recommitted to the Committee on State roads - sent up for concurrence.

Preamble and Resolves respecting the United States Bank laid upon the table by Mr Clifford, were read once and Thursday next at ten oclock assigned for a second reading

Bill to incorporate the Somerset County Agricultural Society came from the Senate recommitted to the Committee on Agriculture for concurrence, and the House reconsider the vote whereby they passed the Bill to be engrossed and recommitted the same in concurrence with the Senate.

Resolve in favor of the Town of Etna, was read once tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a second reading.
