agent of this State at Washington in relation to the subject of the North Eastern Boundary together with the documents accompanying the same, which were received before my last confidential communication, or have been received since, with the exception of those before communicated and a letter dated February 20th, Number 2 and marked "private and confidential" communicating certain documents now before the General Government, which cannot consistently with my public duty and without a violation of confidence be formally laid before the Legislature. But I have placed these papers in the hands of the chairman of the Committee on this subject on the part of this House of Representatives to be used as in his discretion he shall appear proper and consistent with the public interest and the honor of the Government. I also communicate a copy of a letter directed to Mr. Preble from John Anderson, Rufus McIntire, Leonard Jarvis, Cornelius Holland, James Bates and Edward Kavanagh, and a copy of a letter from George Evans Representative in Congress from this State in relation to this subject. Council Chamber February 29, 1832 Saml. E. Smith Which was read together with the accompanying papers.
Mr. Fessenden moved to amend by adding the following Proviso to the first Resolve, vis "Provided that an appointment of said Commissioners on the part of this State shall not be made until the same shall have been assented to by the Legislative and Executive authority of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."
On motion of Mr. Kent the Secret session was closed before the question was taken on the proposed amendment.
The Secret Session was then closed.