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Bridges over the several streams in said town - also - a Petition to prevent the destruction of roads and bridges by unreasonable loads, were severally read and referred to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals - sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Ebenezer Poor and 73 others for a bounty for the destruction of Wolves, Bears &c - also a Petition for an Agricultural & Horticultural Society, in the County of Cumberland were severally read and referred to the Committee on Agriculture - sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Jacob C. Smith

- of Albert Curtis and others,

- of Samuel Eames and others, - of Rufus McLellan and others, - of Nathaniel Dunning and others, - of Joseph Lombard Jr and others, - of Joseph Lunt 2d & others - of Asa Beals and others - of John H. Wilson and others, each praying for an alteration of the Militia laws of this State. - of Joseph Lombard Jr for a Gun house at Bath,

- of the Officers and Soldiers of the 3 Regiment 1 Brigade 6 division for compensation for their services, were severally read and referred to the Committee on the Militia. Sent up for concurrence. 

Petition of the Selectmen of the Town of Brunswick for abatement of valuation of said town.

- of Etna for abatement,
- of the town of  Columbia for a drawback on the amount paid for State taxes during the last two years – were severally read and referred to the Committee on Finance.