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135 Report and Documents of the Land Agent to the Committee on State Lands for concurrence and the House concurred.

Message from the Governor

  To the Senate and House of Representatives I herewith transmit for your consideration the Report of George W Coffin and Daniel Rose the Commissioners respectively appointed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and by this State for the purpose of agreeing upon a system for the sale, disposition and management of the public lands belonging to the two States - In order to carry into effect the proposed system which seems well calculated to promote the objects intended it is necessary that it should be approved by the Legislatives of the Respective States.

Council Chamber January 20 1832 Sam E Smith

which message laure from the Senate referred with the accompanying documents to the Committee on State Lands for concurrence and the House concurred.

Report on a Resolve in favor of the Inhabitants of Portland and Westbrook, that the same ought not to pass came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred and refer the same to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals with Instructions to enquire into the expediency of granting either land or money for the purpose prayed for in the petition - sent up for concurrence.

The Committee on ENgrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed Bill in addition to an act to provide for the education of Youth - to incorporate the Town of Lee - to incorporate the town of Jones Port - additional regulating elections - to incorporate the town of Porneeton, and the same were severally passed to be enacted sent up for concurrence sent up the