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143 of the twenty five percent allowed the Managers as compensation for their services.

  The Lottery for the encouragement of Steam Navigation in this State to raise the sum of twenty five thousand Dollars, and said Porter subsequently assigned all his right and interest therein to Samuel Porter. Forty three classes of this Lottery conducted upon what is called the Combination System have been drawn and presented for settlement by which the sum of $9770.49 has been raised for the benefit of the parties interested.
 The books and accounts of the respective managers of these several Lotteries, detailing the proceedings and results of the drawings of the numerous classes together with the reports of the Council thereore are very voluminous and would require the labor of many Clerks for a long time to prepare copies of them all. But the originals are in the office of the Secretary of State open to the inspection of any member of the Legislature who may wish to examine them, and copies of such portions of them as may be considered necessary to communicate the desired information will be furnished on request.

Council Chamber Feb 1 1832 Sam E Smith

Which Message was read and with the accompanying documents referred to Mess, Phelpes, Cilley and Smith of Portland, with such as the Senate may join sent up for concurrence.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed Bill authorizing Bannabas Brackett to maintain a Dam and Stepire Moose Brook which passed to be enacted sent up The