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Land Agent, which when received will be laid before you. There are no means by which their improvement and settlement; the objects most interesting to the State, can be more effectually promoted than by clearing obstructions in the rivers, and making roads through them, and by the sales in small quantities to actual settlers.

In pursuance of the Resolve in relation to this subject, a commissioner has been appointed to meet the commissioner appointed by Massachusetts in compliance with the request of this State, for the purpose of agreeing upon a system for the sale, disposition, and management of the public lands owned in common by the two States. From the character of these Commissioners, it is believed that their Report when received will enable the Legislatures of the two States, to establish a uniform system for the purpose contemplated, that will not fail to promote the mutual interest of both.

The Agents appointed to examine the Canada Road have reported, that the public interest requires the road to be made westward of Bald Mountain, as provided in the resolve for completing this road. The contractors have made the road over the Mountain and in a different direction, have not complied with their contract, and are not entitled to the balance of the appropriation for making it unless the Legislature shall otherwise direct. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts having granted a township of land to aid in making a road upon the condition it should be finished by the first day of November 1830, it has been considered necessary that the Legislature of that Commonwealth should be requested to extend the time limited for its completion.

I have accordingly, agreeably to the Resolve of the last session, communicated the facts to the Governor of Massachusetts, in order that the subject might be laid before that Legislature, In the mean time the report of the Agents will be communicated to you in order that such measures may