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369 to be engrossed sent up for concurrence

Bill to incorporate the Maine Turner Bridge Company came from the senate for concurrence they having reference the same to the next Legislature - The House nonconcur the Senate in their reference insist on their vote passing the Bill to be engrossed propose a conference and appoint as conferees Messrs Lathrop of Leeds Benson of Prince

Bill to repeal an act establishing the duties paid by certain officers therin named, and a Act establishing the duties paid by attorneys was read and referred to the next Legislature in concurrence with the Senate

Bill concurring pounds Beast impounded and stray Beasts was read a third time - The House nonconcur the senate in their amendment in section 3 line 22 adopt the remaining amendments of the senate - further amend the same as on sheet annexed marked 0 and pass the same to be engrossed as thus amended - sent up for concurrence

Resolve additional for completing the Baring and Houlton Road was read a second time and a passage refused sent up for concurrence

Resolve authorizing the Governor with the advice of Council to appoint a superintendent of