384 the several towns and plantations and cities in this State, also Resolve requiring the Secretary of State to furnish Inspectors of Lime with Blanks which were severally finally passed.
Bill for the abolition of imprisonment of honest debtors for debt came from the Senate for concurrence they having referred the Bill to the next Legislature and order the same to be published in all the papers that publish the Laws of the State - the House recede from their vote so far as to order the same to be published in all the papers that publish the Laws of the State in concurrence with the Senate.
Bill for the regulation of Innholders, Retailers and common victuallers was read twice and referred to the next Legislature - sent up for concurrence.
Resolve relative to Land purchased of the Penobscot Indians - Laid on the table by Mr. Call of Bangor was read once and indefinitely postponed - sent up for concurrence.
Resolve authorizing the appointment of a superintendent of Public Buildings was read a third time the amendments of the Senate adopted further amended on sheet annexed marked A and passed to be engrossed as thus amended - sent up for concurrence.