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Saturday January 11. 1834 -

Met according to adjournment -

Communication from John H. Jarvis, signifying his acceptance of the Office of Councillor, to which he has been elected by the two branches of the Legislature - came from the Senate, was read and sent up -

A Message came from the Senate informing the House that the Senate reconsider their vote whereby they accepted the Report of the Committee to employ a Draftsman - and recommit the same, asking the concurrence of the House - the House reconsider their former vote, accepting the Report & recommit the same in concurrence with Senate - sent up

Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Resolve authorizing the Governor to appoint Agents to protect the Timber lands in the State - that the Resolve ought to be indefinitely postponed - was read and accepted and the Resolve indefinitely postponed - sent up for concurrence -

Petition of Edward S Jarvis & others for the removal of the Shire town of the County of Hancock from Castine to Ellsworth - was read and referred to the Committee on Division and alteration of Counties - sent up for concurrence -