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Order, relating to fees and duties of certain officers 122.177. " enquiring if any person holds a seat who has not exhibited his credentials 123.133.149. " allowing Religious meetings in the State House 130. " relative to extending powers of certain Justices of the Peace 134. " relating to the removal of the Seat of Government 131.138. " requiring certain Institutions to make a statement of funds 136. " relative to the Report of Commissioners on N. E. Boundary " relative to the Jurisdiction of Courts of Common Pleas 141. " relative to appropriations for State Roads 147. " relating to the Claim of Maine on Massachusetts 147. " relating to compensation of Agents on State Roads 148.218.244. " relating to further business and time of recess 149.183. " relating to Draw in Free Bridges over Tide waters 154. " relating to the Canada Road 154. " requiring a statement of expenses of State Prison 155. " relating to obstructions to Ferries 155. " relative to granting money to Alvin Pike 161. " relative to money arising from trespass on Indian Lands 172. " relative to an Act regulating Drains and Common Sewers 176. " relative to giving a title to Joseph Boutelle 176. " relating to the sale of Oils 176. " relative to expenses in Land Agents department 178.183. " relative to making Admrs liable to Trustee process 182.218. " relating to salaries of Probate officers in Kennebec 187. " relating to paupers from foreign places 192. " relating to Clerk-hire in Adjt Genl Office 192. " relative to promulgating Laws & Resolves 192.280. " relating to a Resolve apportioning Representatives 196. " relating to Clerk hire in Treasurer's office 198. " relative to requiring Banks to use Perkins plate 198. " relative to distribution of Election Returns 198. " relative to expenses incurred by construction & repairs of Highways and Bridges 214. " relative to preventing deponents to appear before Magistrates instead of Courts 216. Order