28 House of Representatives Monday January 7. 1833
Met according to adjournment
An Order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Secretary of State to notify Nathaniel Clark, Robert P. Dunlap, Judah Dana, Alfred Pierce, John Hodgdon Thomas Sawyer Jr. and Ames H. Hodgman, that they have been duly elected by a joint ballot of the Senate and House of Representatives in convention assembled, Councillors to advise the Governor in the Executive department of the Government for the current political year. and request the concurrence - and the House concurred. Sent up.
Ordered that after this day this House hold but one session each day commencing at nine o'clock in the morning until otherwise ordered.
Ordered that one be added on the part of the House to the Joint Standing Committee on State Lands - and one to the Committee on State Roads - Mr Fish of Lincoln was added to the Committee on State Roads - and Mr Carey of Houlton was added to the Committee on State Lands -
Mr Carey of Houlton was excused from serving on the Committee on Claims and Mr Andrews of Paris appointed in his stead -
The Committee appointed to ascertain the names of Members and the numbers of the seats they respectively occupy made a report which was read and accepted.
On motion of Phelps of Fairfield - Ordered that the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary