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45 for the appointment of County Commissioners, so that all the purposes intended by the same may be accomplished and the House concurred - sent up.

An Order came from the Senate for concurrence appointing Messrs. Cobb, Drummond and Knowlton with such as the House may join, a committee to take into consideration all subjects relating to the Division and Alteration of Counties and also the erection of new Counties, and that all votes referring papers relating to those subjects, be so far reconsidered as to refer them to said Committee - and the House concurred and joined Messrs Came of Alfred, Clark of Wells, Redman of Brooksville, Haskell of Steuben and Ridlon of Sebago - sent up.

An Order came from the Senate for concurrence, appointing Messrs. Williamson and Hamlin with such as the House may join a committee to enquire into the doings of the Managers appointed by virtue of "An Act granting a Lottery to encourage Steam Navigation in this State" and to ascertain how far they have complied with the provisions of said Act - also to enquire and ascertain whether the Attorney General of this State has caused the Bond given by "The Cumberland and Oxford Canal Corporation " to be put in suit and prosecuted to final judgment agreeably to an Act of the Legislature of this State, approved by the Governor March 9. 1832 - with power to send for persons and papers, and with leave to report by bill or otherwise - and the House concurred and joined Messrs. Clapp of Portland, Phelps of Fairfield, and Smith of Westbrook - sent up.

The Committee on Contested Elections having had under consideration the cases of Ambrose Finson and George Lancey both claiming seats as Representatives from the District of