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46 of Palmyra etc. reported the following Resolve - State of Maine - House of Representatives, Jany. 9. 1833 - Resolved that Ambrose Finson is entitled to his seat in this House as a Representative from the District composed of Palmyra, Hartland, Chandlersville and Pittsfield - which Report was accepted and the Resolve ordered to lie on the table until tomorrow at eleven o'clock.

Report of the Treasurer of State accompaning [sic] with his letter came from the Senate referred to Messrs. Gibson, Scammon and Pease, with such as the House may join for concurrence - and the House concurred and joined Messrs Emery of Biddeford, Berry of Brownfield, Patangal of Perry, Wilson of Deer Isle and Rust of Washington - sent up.

Resolves respecting the Senators of the United States from the State of Maine - laid on the table by Jarvis of Ellsworth - were read and ordered to lie on the table and four hundred copies thereof ordered to be printed for the use of the members.

Petition and Memorial of Ebenezer Herrick, requesting the House to take into consideration his claim to a seat in this House - was read and indefinitely postponed - and the question upon so postponing was taken by yeas and nays and decided in the affirmative as follows Yeas 113, Nays 62 - (See Appendix page )

An order came from the Senate for concurrence referring so much of the Governor's Message together with the accompanying documents relating to South Carolina - and also so much as relates to Pennsylvania with the accompanying Resolutions of that State to