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52 Office of the Secretary of State - read and passed sent up for concurrence

The Committee on contested Elections to whom was referred the case of John Manchester Jr and Jacob Somes, each claiming a seat in the House as Representative from the District composed of Mt. Desert, Cranberry, Isles etc. made a Report and submitted a Resolve which report was accepted and the Resolve ordered to lie on the table.

Petition of Benjamin and Mary Harrington praying that a law may be passed dissolving the laws of matrimony between them - was read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary - sent up for concurrence.

Petition of the Proprietors of Androscoggin Bridge praying that an Act may be passed for the protection of said Bridge - also -

Remonstrance of E. Richardson and others against the petition of W. Bugbee and others - were severally read and referred to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals - sent up for concurrence.

Petition of William Ward Jr. and others praying to be set off from Belgrade and annexed to Sidney - was read and referred to the Committee on Division of Towns sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Inhabitants of Burlington, Cold Stream etc for aid to make a road through land belonging to the State, was read and referred to the Committee on State Roads sent up for concurrence.

Petitions of John Wagg and John Goodale Woodcock each for change of name were severally read and referred to the Committee on change of name.