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55 Judgment shall be obtained from an action of trespass, committed willfully by the Defendant, shall be discharged from close confinement if committed to Jail on Execution - Also to enquire into the expediency of altering, amending or repealing the law passed in 1831. by the Legislature of this State for the benefit of poor debtors - Also to enquire into the expediency of providing more definitely by law for the issuing warrants of distress against towns and plantations and for the manner of satisfying the same - and report by bill or otherwise.

Ordered that the Committee on the Judiciary be directed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law, in case of the redemption of land sold for the nonpayment of taxes assessed upon unimproved land not taxable by the assessors of any town or plantation for the payment of the purchase money, interest, and intervening charges to the Treasurer of the County where the land lies instead of paying the same to the purchaser or his representative - Read and passed sent up for concurrence.

A communication was received from Amos H. Hodgman Esq. signifying his acceptance of the Office of Councillor to which he had been elected by the two branches of the Legislature - which was read in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.

A message was received from the Senate by their Secretary proposing a convention of both branches of the Legislature, to meet this day at twelve o'clock in the Representatives Hall for the purpose of administering the necessary oath of office to Amos H. Hodgman, Councillor elect, requesting a concurrence of the House, and