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56 and the House concurred, and the Clerk by Message acquainted the Senate therewith.

Agreeably to assignment the two branches of the Legislature met in convention in the Representatives Chamber, when Amos H Hodgman Esq. Councillor elect came in and took and subscribed the oath prescribed by the Constitution to qualify him to discharge his official duties - and the convention separated.

Bill, to alter the time of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Cumberland was read a first and second time and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading.

An order of the 7th instant relating to the time and manner of holding elections of Senators, was taken up and refused a passage.

Resolve relating to the right of John Manchester Jr to hold a seat in this House, was taken up and recommitted with instructions to report a statement of facts.

Report of Petition of Inhabitants of the town of Brownfield granting leave to withdraw - - on Petition of Samuel McKeene & others - and of Inhabitants of Harpswell - granting an order of notice - on a Bill respecting Judicial process, that legislation on that subject is inexpedient - came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up.

Report on petition of E. Richardson and others, came from the Senate & was referred to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges & Canals in concurrence - sent up.