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57 An Order came from the Senate for concurrence, instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to enquire as to the expediency of modifying or repealing the 28th section of an Act to regulate the proceedings of Courts of Probate - Also as to the expediency of modifying or repealing the 2d section of An Act additional to an Act for the settlement of certain claims in real Actions - and the House concurred - sent up.

Petition of David Wassan and others, praying for a School fund - was read and referred to the Committee on Literary Institutions - sent up for concurrence.

An Order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Committee on the Judiciary to enquire into the expediency of authorizing towns to raise money to be expended in making and repairing its public roads - and that the same be assessed upon the polls and estates and collected in the same manner as other taxes - and the House concurred - sent up.

Petition of A. Richardson and others - " of E.H. Dodge and others - each praying for the division of the town of Mt Desert - also - Remonstrance of John Rich and others against the petition of A Richardson and others - " of Inhabitants of Freeport against the petition of Vincent Mountfort and others - were severally read and referred to the Committee on Division of Towns, sent up for concurrence.

Petition of William Bradbury & others with leave to build from Levant Village to Bangor was read and referred to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges & Canals - sent up for concurrence.