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70 House of Representatives -

Tuesday January 15. 1833.

Met according to adjournment

A Communication was received from Roscoe G. Greene, Esq. signifying his acceptance of the Office of Secretary of State to which he was elected by a convention of both branches of the Legislature - came from the Senate, was read and sent up.

Ordered, That Messrs. Pierce of Portland, Magoun of Bath and Chase of Calais be a Committee with such as the Senate may join to report the time and place and manner to be prescribed by the Legislature of this State in making choice of a Senator from this State in the Senate of the United States - Read and passed sent up for concurrence.

Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of amending the Law relating to the election of State officers, and report by Bill or otherwise - Read and passed sent up for concurrence.

Ordered, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of changing the valuation of the town of Frankfort - Read and passed.

Ordered, That the Committee on Interior Fisheries be instructed to enquire into the expediency of repealing the several acts now in force relating to Fish in East Machias waters and of better providing by law for the preservation of Fish in said waters - Read and passed, sent up for concurrence.