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82 discharged from the further consideration of the Subjects contained in said order - and on motion the Report, with so much of the Order as relates to repealing the Law allowing a bounty on Crows was recommitted - and so much thereof as relates to repealing to Law providing for the supply of Powder to Soldiers be committed to the Committee on the Militia - sent up for concurrence.

The Committee on Contested Elections, to whom was recommitted the cases of Enoch Farnham and John Wellington, reported a statement of facts, and again submitted the former Resolve - which Report and Resolve were ordered to lie on the table and 300 copies thereof be printed for the use of the members - and Friday next at ten o'clock assigned for a further consideration of the same.

A Message was received from the Senate proposing a convention of both branches of the Legislature this day at twelve o'clock in the Representatives Hall for the purpose of administering the necessary oaths of office to Judah Dana & Thomas Sawyer Jr. Councillors elect - and requesting the concurrence of the House - and the House concurred and the Clerk by Message acquainted the Senate therewith.

Agreeably to assignment, the two branches of the Legislature met in convention in the Representatives Hall, when Judah Dana and Thomas Sawyer Jr, Councillors elect, came in and took and subscribed the necessary oaths prescribed by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of their official duties. And the Convention separated.

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