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87 Remonstrance of Asa W. Babcock and others, against the petition of Mark Trafton and others - was read and referred to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals - sent up for concurrence.

Remonstrance of the Inhabits of Chesterville - - of the Inhabitants of New Portland - against sundry petitions for a New County - were read and referred to the Committee on Division and alteration of Counties - sent up for concurrence.

Remonstrance of Inhabitants of Athens - and of John Ware and others - against the petition of Inhabitants of Hartland - of Inhabitants of Brewer, against the petition of John Leavers & others - - of Inhabitants of Dover against the petition of Daniel Tower - were severally read and referred to the Committee on Division of Towns - sent up for concurrence.

Report on an Order relative to repealing a law passed March 30. 1831. respecting the anchoring of Vessels on the fishing grounds near the Manannas and Monhegan Islands, the Committee asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, and that the same be referred to the Committee on Interior Fisheries - was read and accepted - sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Bartlett of Garland - The House reconsidered their vote of yesterday whereby they accepted a Report granting leave to withdraw on Petition of Abraham Morrill & others, Inhabitants of Chandlersville and ordered the same to be recommitted - and the Clerk by message acquainted the Senate therewith & requested their concurrence