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91 instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the law regulating attachments with leave to report by bill or otherwise. Read and passed sent up for concurrence.

The Committee on leave of absence reported that Mr. Holway of Machias have leave of absence after this day during the remainder of the session which was read and accepted.

Mr. Mowry of Lubec was appointed on the Joint Select Committee on apportionment of Representatives to Congress instead of Mr. Holway.

Bill - to annex to the town of Brunswick, a tract of land now lying in Freeport - was read a third time and passed to be engrossed - sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Miller of Lincolnville Ordered That the Committee on Interior Fisheries be instructed to enquire into the expediency of altering the time now prescribed by law for opening a passage for Salmon, shad and alewives up Duck Trap Stream in the town of Lincolnville with leave to report by bill or otherwise - Read and passed - sent up for concurrence.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills report as duly Engrossed - Bill to increase the Capital Stock of the Kenduskeag Bank - which was passed to be enacted - sent up.

An Order came from the Senate, directing the Secretary State to notify the Governor that the Legislature on the 17.th. instant by a concurrent vote of the Senate and House of Representatives elected Ether Shepley of Saco in the County of York, a Senator to represent this State in the Congress of the United States