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96. House of Representatives

Monday January 21. 1833.

Met according to adjournment -

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed Bill - to incorporate the town of Wesley - - to incorporate the town of Byron - - altering the time of holding the Supreme Court in the County of Cumberland - which were severally finally - passed sent up.

The same Committee reported as duly engrossed - Resolves respecting the Senators of the United States from the State of Maine - for the preservation of the Documents printed by order of the Legislature - which were severally finally - passed sent up

Report of the Warden of the State Prison, laid on the table by Mr. Cilley of Thomaston, was referred to the Committee on the State Prison, and three hundred copies thereof together with the last report of of the Inspectors of the Prison to the Governor and Council - ordered to be printed for the use of the Legislature - sent up for concurrence.

Resolve for locating and making a road over lands belonging to the State, connecting the Baring & Houlton road with the United States Military Road - was read once, 300 copies thereof ordered to be printed, for the use of the members - and Thursday next at ten oclock assigned for a second reading.

Bill in favor of Rumford Bridge was taken up and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a third reading.