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102. House of Representatives

Tuesday January 22. 1833.

Met according to adjournment -

On motion of Mr Chase of Calais. Ordered, That the Rules and Orders be so far dispensed with that ten o'clock this day be assigned for the choice of Major Generals in the 4.th. and 7.th. Divisions respectively of the Militia of this State, on the part of the House - and the Clerk by Message acquainted the Senate therewith.

On motion of Mr Pierce of Portland Ordered that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of enact. a law relinquishing all cases to persons naturalized all claim of the state to any real property purchased and holden by such persons during their period of alienage - Read and passed sent up for concurrence.

Report on an Order of this House relating to licenses - that Legislation on that subject is inexpedient - was read and accepted.

Mr. Hutchinson of Turner has leave of absence, Friday and Saturday next.

Resolve in favor of Sewall Watson was read a second time and indefinitely postponed - sent up for concurrence.

Report on Petition of William King came from the senate accepted for concurrence, the Committee asking to be discharged from further consideration of the subject and