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130. impounding of Cattle - they nonconcurring the House refer to the Order to the Committee on Agriculture and request the concurrence of the House - and the House recede from their former vote so far as to concur with the Senate in the reference of the same - sent up.

On motion of Mr Chase of Calais - Ordered that the Speaker of this House be authorized to grant leave to any Minister of the Gospel or Religious Society to hold meetings in this House at any time when it shall not be otherwise occupied, and when he shall think proper during the present session - read and passed.

On motion of Mr Swett of Prospect - Ordered, that Messrs of Prospect, Pierce of Gorham and Jenkins of Elliot be a Committee with such as Senate may join to take into consideration the propriety of extending the Jurisdiction of certain Justices of the Peace in the several towns and plantations in this State (said Justices to be by law designated) before whom may be tried causes wherein the sums in dispute, do not exceed fifty dollars - with leave to report by bill or otherwise - Read and passed sent up for concurrence.

Ordered - That when this House adjourn it adjourn until monday next at ten o'clock.

And the House adjourned


Asaph R. Nichols Clerk.