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141. Resolve in favor of Israel Davis and Jacob M. Russell - was read a first and second time, the amendment of the Senate adopted - and passed to be engrossed as thus amended in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.

An Order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Committee on the Militia, to inquire into the expediency of explaining, modifying or repealing the ninth section of an Act passed March 9. 1832 entitled an an Additional Act for organizing and governing the Militia - read and passed in concurrence, sent up.

An Order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Committee on the Judiciary to enquire into the expediency of altering or amending an Act entitled an Act for the Abolition of Imprisonment of honest Debtors for debt passed march 31. 1831 - Read and passed in concurrence.

An Order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Committee on the Judiciary to enquire into the expediency of giving to the Courts of Common Pleas original and exclusive jurisdiction of all crimes and offences except capital, also as to the expediency of providing by law for a general revision of our Statutes - Read and passed in concurrence.

Petition of the Inhabitants of Washington for an abatement of State Tax - was read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Report on petition of Inhabitants of St. Albans that a part of the town of Hartland may be annexed to St Albans - came from the Senate for concurrence - They having reconsidered their vote accepting the Report and