230 Report, on an Order relating to compensation of Agents on State roads, that Legislation is inexpedient - came from the Senate they having reconsidered their vote accepting the same and ordered it to be recommitted, for concurrence - and the House recede from their vote accepting the Report and recommit the same in concurrence - sent up.
Resolve in favor of Edward Chase, was read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Bill - to incorporate the Baring Bridge was read a first and second time and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a third reading.
The House resumed the consideration of the Bill to set off a part of the town of Hallowell and annex the same to the town of Gardiner - and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading.
Petition of Lorenzo Sabin and others for a mutual Fire Insurance Company in the County of Washington, was read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures - sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Joseph Huse and others to amend the Constitution was read and referred to the Joint Select Committee who have the same subject under consideration - sent up for concurrence.
And the House adjourned.
Asaph R. Nichols Clerk.